A publication in honour of the FCCA's former director general Juhani Jokinen
The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA) recently published the book "Kilpailuvirastosta markkinavirastoksi" (From Competition Authority to Market authority) in honour of retired director general Juhani Jokinen. The book's articles cover a wide range of issues within competition and consumer law, economics and policy. The authors are former colleagues of Juhani Jokinen.
The book features partner Leena Lindberg's article "Yrityskauppavalvonta 20 vuotta" (Merger Control 20 Years). The article describes the launch of merger control in Finland in the fall of 1998, the subsequent major events, as well as some aspects of the future of merger control.
Read the article (available only in Finnish): Yrityskauppavalvonta 20 vuotta
The publication is available as a whole through the FCCA's website: Kilpailuvirastosta markkinavirastoksi